DRAGon BALL FighterZ is the highly acclaimed anime fighting game that combines the traditional dynamics of a 2.5D fighting game with the popular universe of DRAGon BALL, one of the most popular and highly regarded anime franchises in the world. DRAGon BALL FighterZ for Nintendo Switch will include intuitive and immediate controls, supporting a single Joy-con as well as the Nintendo Switch Pro Controller for more competitive play. Now you can have fun wherever and whenever you want with this fast-paced and addicting fighting game, which combines classic 2D graphics with advanced 3D models that appear to come straight from the DRAGon BALL anime. DRAGon BALL FighterZ for Nintendo Switch will allow fans of all skill levels to take on the role of their favorite DRAGon BALL character. With 3 vs. 3, both new and experienced players will appreciate all the features of DRAGon BALL by creating their own team to take it into battle. To create the strongest team possible, players will need to train and master more than one fighter and fighting style, in order to develop enough skills to take out each opponent.